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Verifying PCBs

An introduction to PCB

We are going to start by explaining what PCB is. First of all, it is the acronym for Printed Circuit Board. A Printed Circuit Board is a rigid structure that contains electrical circuitry. This circuitry is made up of embedded metal wires, traces, and bigger areas of metal planes.

A PCB is used in many devices to give mechanical support and a pathway to its electronic components.

Since nowadays this service is really common and used, we present you an experienced company: QueenField. It works with integrated circuits, such as ASIC & FPGA, described in VHDL & Verilog; verified and synthesized with open source tools; and printed with open standard cells. But it also works with drawing PCBs, printing PCBs, verifying PCBs and testing ICs+PCBs.

More than 5 year experience in Hardware and Software Systems

Integrated Circuits (ASIC & FPGA) described in VHDL & Verilog; verified and synthesized with open source tools; and printed with open standard cells.
Printed Circuits Boards drawn, printed, verified and tested with open source tools.

Verifying PCBs

We offer Printed Circuit Board Mask Layouts verified with open source tools such as KiCad or gEDA.

In our life, verification is something essential. For example, in cybersecurity, verification is the center in order to keep information safe. But there are people who find this process a double-edged sword. This is because verification has never been a priority before.

It happens the same when we talk about PCB development. Verification is a vital tool and PCB design verification has a critical role when optimizing the PCB development process. It

 later in the process.

How to verify PCB designs

We are going to talk about tools and tests for verifying PCB designs. If PCB verification is used increases the likelihood of converting your design into a finished product. But, of course, the result depends on both the tools you use and your skills. If you use the right tools, the complications will be less difficult to resolve.

The optimum is to consult a qualified and experienced professional in selecting the right tools and tests to optimize the PCB development process. For example, QueenField.

What is the main goal of PCB design verification? It is to evaluate your design and erase any issues that may damage the development process.

Flying probe testing

This is an option less expensive than the previous one. It checks for the following things:

  • Opens
  • Shorts
  • Resistance
  • Capacitance
  • Inductance
  • Diode issues

Something you have to keep in mind while using this method is that a PCB flying probe does not activate the board.

In-circuit testing

In-circuit test (ICT) is an influential tool for Printed Circuit Board test. By using this method you will be able to approach the circuit intersection and estimate the performance of the components. You are going to be able to measure parameters like resistance and capacitance. If you use an in-circuit test, it is possible to comprehend the PCB and to check that the circuit has been manufactured in the right way.

PCB Design Verification Software Capacities

A fundamental part of electronic design automation, known as EDA, is the capability to perform design rule checks (DRCs) to see if the physical layout of a design follows the proposed parameters.

DRC is a strong tool which includes this types of testing:

  • Spacing and clearance violations
  • Electrical rule check (ERC)
  • Layout versus schematic (LVS) simulation
  • Trace width violations
  • Unconnected pads and traces
  • Trace length issues (for example, for differential pairs)
  • Drill hole violations
  • Unconnected
  • Stackup violations
  • Impedance matching
  • Solder mask clearances

This is just a small part of the essential design rule checks in use during the DRC process which is needed in order to optimize the PCB development.

More PCB Design Verification Simulations

As we said before, DRCs are fine to identify layout issues that may impact the project. However, you should include other simulations in your verification process, which are:

Power distribution

When you analyze your power distribution network, known as PDN, it is important you make sure that all components are perfectly supplied. This also will help you to recognize potential troubles during assembly.

Signal processing simulation

As it is obvious, signal issues can affect in a negative way your board project. To avoid this issue, you have to analyze your board for signal integrity.

Thermal distribution simulation

You have to know the difference between thermal dissipation and distribution. In addition, you need to know its effects. Here is why: insufficient distribution can disrupt board assembly and inadequate dissipation can lead to performance problems. Not only this, but it can also lead to board damage in the field.

In conclusion, in order to have the optimal development of your boards, you have to use all of the PCB design verification methods that we have talked about.

As we said before, an accurate PCB design is achieved by more than just doing the bare minimum and performing design rule checks. Of course DRC is an essential part of the final project, but there are other checks which can support the process and result in a better design, including thermal simulations, electrical simulations for signal quality, or electrical simulations for signal integrity.

You have to use simulation software to succeed more in your designs. Also the speed of this repetitive process is more critical for more extensive design projects. Something actually useful is that simulation software packages give you targeted and centred solutions that allow you to verify how effective your design is, in order to minimize the mistakes.

As people say in construction, “it is always better to measure twice and cut once”. So it almost does not matter the tool you use but the checking and verifying part of the PCB design.

In conclusion, implementing using simulation and verification to the process make smaller the number of repetitions you are going to need in order to achieve your design goal. Some advantages of performing verification and simulations are reduced work, better board quality, life cycle expansion, better performance, and increased functionality.

QueenField’s services

At QueenField, we can assist you to smooth all the PCB development process. Firstly, we will help you during the design part, as well as making choices in order to make manufacturable boards. We will make sure you start on the best path as soon as possible!

As we already said, QueenField is a really experienced company, with more than five years of experience in Hardware and Software Systems behind its back. It has benefits such as it has mixed implementations (digital designs implemented in VHDL and System Verilog), UVM and Formal Verification (digital designs simulated and verified using universal and formal methods) and 100% Open Hardware (open source hardware descriptions and open source tools used).

Last but not least, there is Paco Reina Campo, the founder and hardware/software engineer of QueenField, since September 2004. He also has five-year experience in hardware and software systems, specialized in digital design and verification (ASIC, FPGA), with emphasis on Hardware Description Languages (Verilog, VHDL). He is focused on the design, verification, and simulation of Integrated Circuits and Printed Circuit Boards.